smiles driving 'A journey to success'
smiles driving'A journey to success'

Your thoughts are important.......


Charlie Birtwisle, Groby


#drivinglessonsloughborough Charlie Birtwisle passed FIRST TIME with 6dfs - Loughborough TC - 15.12.23

In a 4 month period Charlie applied himself in a way that would only bring great results.

Dan Manu, Markfield 


#drivinglessonsloughborough Dan Manu passed his Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 12dfs - 08.12.23

Great result for Dan and passing FIRST TIME was a MUST in his eyes.  So pleased he got the result he deserved.

Louise Worth, Rothley 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Louise Worth passed her Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 04.12.23 - 7dfs

2nd test lucky and very 'worth' it, (pardon the pun) brilliant result.

Harry Lester, Markfield 


#drivinglessonsloughborough Harry Lester past his Driving Test FIRST TIME - Loughborough TC - 24.11.23 - 2dfs

 Super proud of you Harry, fantastic result.

Fay Hughes, Whitwick

#drivinglessonsloughborough Fay Hughes passed her Driving Test at Loughborough TC - 18.11.23 - 3dfs

Well done Fay, all those Mock Tests paid off.

Kiran Kaur, Markfield 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Kiran Kaur passed her Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 16.11.23 - 1dfs

So proud of Kiran, she came to every lesson with a structuered aim and determind to achieve.  Sometimes waiting a couple of years until you're ready in your mindset is a great decisioin.

Jessica Leat, Loughborough 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Jessica Leat Passed her Driving Test (First Time with Smiles Driving) - 14.11.23 - 6dfs - Loughborough TC

Jessica was so determind to pass and she did just that!

Jack Osborne, Mountsorrel 

#drivinglessonsloughboroough Jack Osborne passed their Driving Test - 4dfs - 27.10.23 - Loughborough Test Centre

A challenging journey for Jack, but after a couple of attempts, passed the test and great celebrations thereafter.  A real achievement for Jack.  Congratulations!

Joseph Hughes, Groby

#drivinglessonsgroby Joseph Hughes passed his Driving Test - 4dfs - Loughborough Test Centre - 23.10.23

Joseph had a long break inbetween lessons (9 weeks) due to moving away for the Summer , but on his return managed to find a cancellation test and passed!  Lovely to see his smile at the end of the Driving Test.

Charley Woodland, Rothley 

#drivinglessonsrothley Charley Woodland passed her Driving Test - 2dfs - 14.10.23 - Loughborough Test Centre

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Lee Woodward, Coalville 

#drivinglessonscoalville Lee Woodward passed his Driving Test - 7dfs - 10.10.23 - Loughborough Test Centre

Lee is a classic example of somepne that never believes it's too late to learn a new skill and what better life skill to have than learning to drive. No more getting soaked on his Motorbike and can choose which ever transport method to get to work and on those lovely long country hikes in the Derbyshire Dales.

Tyler Watson, Markfield 

#drivinglessonsmarkfield Tyler Watson passed his Driving Test - 5dfs - Loughborough Test Centre - 06.10.23

Keeping the nerves  at Bay was a challenge for Tyler, but he managed to overcome this situation and passed his test.  Hoooooorah!!

Adam Concannon, Markfield 

#drivinglessonsmarkfield Adam Concannon passed his Driving Test - Loughborough Test Centre - 3dfs - 03.10.23

Great news for Adam passing his Driving Test, especially as he had purchased a new car.  He was determind to pass and so excited to gain his freedom on the roads.

Jacob Morris, Mountsorrel 

Drivinglessonsloughborough Congratulations to Jacob

Jacob passed his Driving Test on his 2nd attempt with just 3dfs.  Loughborough Test Centre 13.09.23 

Lilly Mortimer, Bagworth


#drivinglessonsloughborough Lilly Mortimer passed her Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 7dfs - 8.9.23

Super proud of Lilly, such passion in each and every lesson

Ryan Parkinson, Markfield 


#drivinglessonsmarkfield Ryan Parkinson passed his Driving Test FIRST TIME WITH 0 FAULTS! - Loughborough Test Centre 5.9.23

Well what can I  say??? ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!!!!

Alfie Nyul, Markfield 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Alfiel Nyul passed his Driving Test - 4dfs - Loughborough Test Centre - 4.09.23

Alfie achieved just 1df on his first time, managed to pass on his 2nd attempt with still minimum faults - well done!

Lucy Turlington, Markfield


#drivinglessonsmarkfield Lucy Turlington passed Her Driving Test - 3.08.23 - 6dfs FIRST TIME - Loughborough Test Centre

Nobody was more determind and excited thn Lucy. There was no way she was going to do anyting but PASS!

Sam Reddington, Loughborough 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Sam Reddington passed his Driving Test - Loughborough Test Centre - 14dfs - 02.08.23

The pressure was on tremendously for Sam to find a test cancellation before he went to University - @just in time. Well dione Sam.

Aaron Clarke, Markfield 

#drivinglessonsloughborough Aaron Clarke passed his Driving Test - Loughborough Test Centre - 18.07.23 - 8dfs

Well done Aaron - quite intense finding a cancellation test, but got there in the end!

Daniel Hewett. Loughborough 


Daniel passed his Driving Test with 5 dfs, First Time at Loughborough Test Centre - 13.06.23.  After delivering just 18 hours of tuition and owning a Motorbike licence it was an amazing result!

Andrew Tang. Groby

Andrew passed his Driving Test with just 4dfs at Leicester Cannock Street Test Centre, witha huge smile and a deep sigh of relief!

Emily Price. Whitwick


Emily passed her Driving Test First Time with 4dfs.  She was so determind and failing just wasn't an option for her.

Grace Johnstone. Loughborough 

Grace passed her Driving Test with 7dfs and one happy young lady.  Loughborough Test Centre 26.05.23

Ciara Manning. Markfield 

Ciara passed her Driving Test at Loughborough Test Centre - 4dfs - 18.04.23

Mason McWilliams, Markfield 


#drivinglessonsloughborough Mason McWilliams passed his Driving Test FIRST TIME - 5dfs- Loughborough Test Centre - 30.03.23

Lovely to see a pupils smiley face once passed their test.

Travis Belton, Rothley

#drivinglessonsloughborough Travis Belton passed his Driving Test at Loughborough TC - 24.03.23 - 7 dfs. It took 2 attempts, as nerves played a massive part on the day, but look at his face to see the huge smile of relief but also total joy.

Molly Bryce-Walker, Agar Nook


#drivinglessonsloughborough Molly Bryce-Walker passed her Driving Test at Loughborough TC - FIRST TIME - 3dfs. Passing 1st time meant absolutely everything to Molly and she truly deserved the result she achieved.

Eleanor Trotter, Woodhouse Eves


#drivinglessonsloughborough Eleanor Trotter passed her Driving Test FIRST TIME at Loughborough Test Centre - 6dfs. Super news for Eleanor!


Theo Coats, Groby


#drivinglessonsgroby Theo Coats passed his Driving Test - FIRST TIME Cannock Street, Leicester - 27.02.23 - 3dfs

 A Fantastic achievement with minimal lessons and such self discipline!

Dan Bevan, Loughborough

#drivinglessonsloughborough Dan Bevan passed his Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 16.02.23 - 4dfs

 Well, what an achievement, just 8 hours and passed! (Hadn't driven for over 18 months with previous insructor)

Elise Marsden, Mountsorrel

#drivinglessonsmountsorrel Elise Marsden Passed her Driving Test - Loughborough TC - 08.02.23 - 2dfs

 An absolute pleasure to coach Elise through this process.

Ryan Statham, Markfield

#drivinglessonsmarkfield Ryan Statham passed his Driving Test - 4dfs - 26.01.23

 Such a delight to see Ryan achieve his goal.

Erin Dempsey, Groby


#drivinglessonsgroby Erin Dempsey Passed her Driving Test FIRST TIME with 6dfs - 18.01.23 - Cannock Street Leicester Test Centre








Ciaran Duffy, Markfield


#drivinglessonsloughborough Ciaran Duffy passed his Driving Test FIRST TIME 8dfs - Loughborough Test Centre - 16.01.23








Rio Jones, Whitwick


Rio passed his Driving Test First Time with 4dfs - Loughborough Test Centre - 12.01.23 .  The key to Rio's success was the way in which he applied himself to every lesson.  Very focussed and challenged himself with a task each week.

Jack McDonald, Markfield


#drivinglessonsloughborough Jack McDonald passed his Driving Test FIRST TIME - Loughborough Test Centre - 3dfs - 09.01.23
















#drivinglessonsloughborough Driving Lessons Loughborough, Driving Lessons Leicester
Driving Lessons Loughborough Pass your Driving Test with Smiles Driving
Female Driving Instructor Leicester Pass your test with Smiles Driving School

Call: Sam

Mobile: 07816 131992


#femaledrivinginstructorloughborough Sam Miles-Barnes (Instructor)

Our address:


Smiles Driving School


2-4 Main Street  



LE67 9UU




Tell: 07816 131992



Office hours

7.00 am - 7.30 pm

We will respond to your request within 24 hours


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