smiles driving 'A journey to success'
smiles driving'A journey to success'

Driving lessons delivered in Loughborough and the surrounding areas

Driving lessons Loughborough Driving Lessons Loughborough

Loughborough is a popular area for driving lessons, this is mainly due to the number of students based in the area wanting lessons that attend the university and local colleges.  Tuition is delivered in the town centre of Loughborough and within the beautiful villages across the Charnwood countryside.


Tests are delivered at the DSA Centre in Loughborough and Smiles Driving regularly deliver Mock Tests in the area.

Driving Lessons Loughborough Driving Lessons Loughborough
Driving lessons Loughborough Driving Lessons Loughborough
#drivinglessonsloughborough Driving Lessons Loughborough, Driving Lessons Leicester
Driving Lessons Loughborough Pass your Driving Test with Smiles Driving
Female Driving Instructor Leicester Pass your test with Smiles Driving School

Call: Sam

Mobile: 07816 131992


#femaledrivinginstructorloughborough Sam Miles-Barnes (Instructor)

Our address:


Smiles Driving School


2-4 Main Street  



LE67 9UU




Tell: 07816 131992



Office hours

7.00 am - 7.30 pm

We will respond to your request within 24 hours


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